Most Venomous Cobras in the World
Ashe’s Spitting Cobra
Africa’s Naja ashei snake is not only one of the world’s newest snake species-it’s also the largest spitting cobra. This massive, aggressive, extremely venomous snake that can grow to more than 9 feet (274 centimeters) long-form a separate species.

Red Spitting Cobra
This cobra is native to Africa. They can spit venom up to 2 m through tiny apertures in the fangs. They can grow from 70 to 120 cm (2½-4 ft) in length and can vary in color from red to gray. It is a terrestrial snake, and nocturnal.

Mozambique Spitting Cobra
The Mozambique Spitting Cobra is a type of cobra, native to Africa. It is considered one of the most dangerous snakes in Africa, second only to the Mamba. This snake is a nervous and highly strung snake. When confronted at close quarters this snake can rear up to as much as two-thirds of its length, spread its long narrow hood and will readily “spit” in defense.

Ringhal or Rinkhal Cobra
Ringhal is also a spitting cobra. It is the smallest of the cobras reaching only about 1.2m or about 4 ft in length. It is a venomous elapid species found in parts of southern Africa. It is one of a group of cobras that has developed the ability to spit venom as a defense mechanism. Rinkhals are unique amongst African cobras in being ovoviviparous. They give birth to 20-35 young, but as many as 65 babies have been recorded. The Rinkhals is unique also, compared to cobras, as it has keeled scales.

Egyptian Cobra
It is commonly confused with the shouted cobra. The Egyptian cobra is the most common cobra in Africa and is responsible for many deaths there. Its range extends from the Sahara Desert to the Syrian Desert. The Egyptian cobra may grow to 5′-6′8” (1.5-2m) in length and specimens as long as 8 ft have been seen in some areas.

Philippine Cobra
This stock species of cobra is a very toxic snake native to the Philippines. They can be found in the islands of Luzon, Mindoro, Catanduanes and Masbate. Its average length is 1.70 m. It is locally called “ulupong” in Tagalog. Drop by drop, the Northern Philippine Cobra has the most potent venom of all the species in the cobra family.

King Cobra
King cobra is the world’s longest poisonous snake with an average 3.7m or 12 ft in length but is known to grow to 5.5m or 18 ft. they are found in the Philippines, Malaysia, Southern China, Myanmar, India, Bangladesh and Malay Peninsula. It feeds almost entirely on other snakes, even venomous ones, although it sometimes preys on small rodents and bird.

Asian Spectacled or Indian Cobra
This cobra is responsible for many deaths each year especially in India, where it is regarded with religious awe and seldom killed. It is associated with snake charming there. It is the most common species of cobra.

Black Cobra
The Black cobra, found in Pakistan, North India and Bangladesh, is generally considered to be a sub-species.

Forest Cobra
Forest cobra is a large, thick-bodied, black snake from the tropical and subtropical rain forests of Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Africa. Considered by some to be the least dangerous of the African (Naja) Cobras, the bite of this snake, however, can be rapidly fatal without prompt intervention.

Monocled Cobra
Monocled cobra is the second most common cobra species and is widespread in Asia. It has a circular mark behind the hood unlike that of the spectacled Cobra. This cobra can be found in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, NE India, Laos, N Malaysia, Southern China, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Black-necked Spitting Cobra
This species of cobra is native to Egypt. The spitting cobra is capable of ejecting its venom from a distance of about 2.4 m or about 8 ft into the eyes of its victims. The venom causes temporary or permanent blindness and great pain. Despite their name, these snakes do not actually spit their venom. They spray the venom, using muscular contractions upon the venom glands.
Cape Cobra
The Cape Cobra is a moderately sized cobra inhabiting the arid regions of Southern Africa. It averages 4 feet (120cm) long but may grow to be 6 feet (180cm) long. The mortality rate in humans is 60% and death normally occurs 2-5 hours after being bitten and is usually as a result of respiratory failure due to the onset of paralysis. The snake is quick to strike and becomes aggressive if cornered, but given its space it is likely to retreat. It has the most potent venom of all African cobras. It is probably the snake with the highest fatality count in the Southern parts of South Africa.

Chinese Cobra
The Chinese cobra is a species of cobra that lives in areas of Southeast Asia. The average adult length of a Chinese cobra is about 1.5 m, or five ft. They are usually dark brown or black, with widely spaced, lightly-colored bands around the body. Like other cobras, Chinese cobras have a marking resembling an eye on the back of the hood. The venom of the Chinese cobra is a powerful cobrotoxin b.

Central Asian Cobra
Central Asian Cobra is a species of venomous snake found in Central Asia. Like other cobras, this large snake spreads its “hood” as a warning to other animals. When alarmed, it rears up and widens its neck skin by altering the position of its ribs.

Among the most notable attributes of the Cobra are their powerful venom and hood that can enlarge. Here are some notably poisonous species of cobra.
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