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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

World's most Dangerous Crocodile

World's most Dangerous Crocodile The larger species of crocodiles are very dangerous to humans. The main danger that crocodiles pose is not their ability to run after a person but their ability to strike before the person can react. The Saltwater and Nile Crocodiles are the most dangerous, killing hundreds of people each year in parts of south-east Asia and Africa. Mugger crocodiles and possibly the endangered Black Caiman are also very dangerous to humans. American alligators are less aggressive...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Weirdest shapes of fruits in the world

Weirdest shapes of fruits in the world You have seen lots of the world weirdest things, amazing places, Colorful, dangerous & deadly poisonous animals. What about the fruits? Click this out. This is a short list of world weirdest fruit. In the list, all fruits are not weirdest. Some of those are too testy and sweet. 1. Monstera Deliciosa This unique fruit is also called Ceriman from Mexico to Panama is a creeping vine native to tropical rainforests. It is also known with a variety of names...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Heaviest Land Animals on the Earth

Heaviest Land Animals on the Earth The heaviest terrestrial animals found on earth can be measured using a variety of methods. It could be defined as the largest by volume, mass, height, or length. The walrus is included as it spends much of its time on land. 1. African Elephant Average Mass (lb): 18,500 (8,500 kg) Maximum Mass (lb): 27,000 (13,000 kg) Average Length (ft): 21.85 2. Asian ElephantAverage Mass (lb): 8,750 (4,200 kg) Maximum Mass (lb): 11,000 (5,200 kg) Average Length (ft): 19.5 3....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Most Bizarre Flowers in the World

Most Bizarre Flowers in the World While flowers typically attract to human and insects alike with their enchanting beauty and luscious fragrance, some rather perverse stinking flowers entice flesh and fecal-loving insects to their foul-smelling blooms in the guise of meat by their colors and fetid scents.  1. Rafflesia arnoldii The largest flower in the world is the rare blood-red Rafflesia arnoldii known as largest individual flower on earth which can grow to 3 feet (90 centimeters)...