Did you know the giant python can kill if it wants to kill you?
The Giant African Python is the most powerful/longest snake in Africa. The Giant African Python can kill a Springbok at 5ft and the giant African is 23ft (7m). They can grow to 23ft (7m). An adult human being is only 5ft (1.4m).The giant African Python are know to kill a springbok and does not eat for 1 year.

The African rock pythons were initially thought to be a few escaped pets that could be contained--but the recent spate of discoveries shows that they may indeed be a brand new breeding population in the Everglades.

State environmental officials worry that the rock python could breed with the Burmese python, which already has an established foothold in the Everglades. That could lead to a new "super snake," said George Horne, the water district's deputy executive director.

In Africa, the rock python eats creatures as large as goats and crocodiles. There have been cases of the snakes killing children.

According to local wildlife experts, the rock python is "bigger and meaner than the Burmese python." Which is precisely why fears are stirring that a hybrid python may be on the rise in the Everglades?

A new species of invasive snake--the African rock python has recently been found on the loose as well. At least five rock pythons, one that measured 14 ft long, have just been captured in Miami-Dade county.

Now, experts' fears are mounting that the Burmese and African rock pythons will begin breeding--and give rise to a new, dangerous 'super snake.' Article Source: Brianlean & treehugger
that 2 dangerous to the people...