The World Most Colorful Snakes
There are 15 families of snake, 456 genera and there are 2,900 species. The smallest snake, the Thread snake is just 10 cm long and the longest, Python reticulates is 28 ft long. Just a mere thought of snake scare the hell out to many. But with this list of colorful snake you will surely admire them.
1. Brazilian Rainbow Boa
This uniquely colored snake which is scientifically called Epicrates cenchria is a boa found in Central and South America . This species is known for its attractive iridescent sheen.

2. Emerald Tree Boa
Most species of boas are colorful like the Corallus caninus, a non-venomous snake found in the rainforests of 
3. Green Vine Snake
This snake with pretty geometrical color pattern is also called the Long-nosed Whipped Snake or Ahaetulla nasuta is a slender green tree snake found in 
4. Albino Burmese Python
This famous and colorful species of python, the Burmese Python or Python molurus bivittatus, is the largest subspecies of the Indian Python and one of the 6th largest snakes in the world. This snake is native to rain forest areas of 
5. Nelson's Milksnake
This awesome-looking snake is the Nelson's Milksnake or Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni is a type of king snake that is found in 
6. Mexican Milk Snake
This attractive species of snake known as the Mexican Milk Snake or Lampropeltis triangulum annulata is a species of milk snake native primarily to northeastern Mexico but it can be found as far north as the US, in southwestern Texas.
7. Red Rat Snake
This beautifully and brightly colored snake called Red Rat snake or Elaphe guttata, is also commonly known as Corn Snake and found in 
8. Morelia spilota
This species of python called 
9. Iridescent Shieldtail
Also named Two-lined Black Shieldtail or Melanophidium bilineatum is a species of snake found in 
10. Bitis nasicornis
This big viper known for its striking color pattern and prominent horns on its nose named Bitis nasicornis is a venomous snake found in 
11. Bitis parviocula
This species called Bitis parviocula with spectacular geometric markings is a venomous snake found only in 
12. Green Tree Python
Scientifically named 
13. Amazon Tree Boa (Corallus enydris)
This brightly colored species of snake named the Amazon Tree Boa is found in .jpg)
14. Coral Snake
Micrurus fulvius is a venomous snake found only in the southeastern US. Not to be confused with its harmless mimics, the scarlet snake and the Scarlet Kingsnake.
15. Eastern Blackneck Garter Snake
This pretty colored snake called Eastern Blackneck Garter Snake or Thamnophis cyrtopsis ocellatus grows to a full length of 16 inches to 20 inches with the longest ever recorded measuring 43 inches. It is friendly and gets accustomed to a life of captivity.
16. Coast Garter Snake
This species of snake is called Coast Garter Snake or Thamnophis elegans terrestris have toxins in their saliva and the bite can produce mild reaction in humans. They are not considered dangerous to humans, although they excrete a foul smelling musk when handled.

17. Paradise Tree Snake
This beautiful snake is also called Paradise Flying Snake and scientifically named Chrysopelea paradise. It is a species of snake found in 
18. Red-tailed Green Ratsnake
This snake's color goes along well with the color of nature - green. Red-tailed Green Ratsnake or Gonyosoma oxycephalum is a species of snake found in the region where I live - 
19. Scarlet Kingsnake
This beautifully colored snake that is found in pine flat woods, hardwood hammocks, prairies, cultivated fields, and suburban areas is the Scarlet Kingsnake or Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides. It is a type of king snake that is found in 
20. Blue Coral Snake
The beautiful and attractive (and colorful of course) Blue Coral Snake can be found in 
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